Success 4 Kids
Success 4 Kids is a year round project that provides at-risk youth and foster kids with the necessary school supplies to be successful and productive at school.

Painting In The Park
Painting With A Purpose
Painting In The Park (elementary kids) and Painting With A Purpose (middle school kids) are activities that allows kids to express themselves through the world of paint. They engage in conversations about character, choices, education, and more, while learning how to paint.

Valentine's Day For Kids
Valentine's Day For Kids celebrates kids on Valentine's Day with gifts, goodies, games, food, music, and fun.

Christmas For The Homeless
Christmas For The Homeless is a project that focuses on providing homeless kids with Christmas gifts. We believe that every child deserves to have a great Christmas despite their personal situations so we partner with local schools to make it happen.

Ella's Closet
Ella's Closet is an upcoming project that will provide new/ gently used clothes and shoes, toys, and personal necessities to foster kids and at-risk youth.

Selfie Project
The "Selfie Project" is an upcoming project that will go more in depth with helping girls, ages 10-15, accept and love their individual uniqueness.